What is digital marketing? | Why is Digital Marketing Important?

First of all, we will know what digital marketing is. Digital marketing is marketing done through the internet, computer and electronic devices, through which any company can market its product and reach its target customers in a very short time, also known as online marketing.
When a company launches its business or a new product, it is marketed to reach a large number of people. Marketing means connecting with our customers at the right place and at the right time.
In today’s era, you have to connect with your customer at the place where he spends all his time and that is the Internet. Almost all categories of people in India use the internet and its number is increasing every day. Whether it is a big company or a small company, we use the Internet to do marketing.
The way a company promotes its products through large posters, banners and pamphlets, the same can be done with online internet marketing or digital marketing.
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Why is Digital Marketing Important?
Now we know why digital marketing is important. Digital marketing is a simple way to reach customers through digital technology. When there was no smartphone, people used to use TV newspapers, magazines and videos more. Then in all these places, countless companies used to advertise their products and promote them.
Many people used to buy products from the market after seeing those advertisements, but in this era of smartphones, most people, especially the youth, spend all their time on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter. You can video from YouTube instead of TV.
Listen to songs on different types of apps instead of radio and read online blogs instead of newspapers.
This is the reason that companies are now advertising their products in digital ways and promoting them in the same places where most internet users are found. Through digital marketing, the company helps its products reach more customers.
Demand for digital marketing in the present time
Earlier, it used to take time to go to the market for people to like and buy goods, now even in less time, people are able to shop for their favorite goods from the internet at home.
Digital marketing is benefiting not only the customers but also the merchants in doing business as they are able to connect more customers in a very short time, which is increasing the sales of their product.
Demand for digital marketing is getting more and more in the present time because digital marketing brings more profit in less cost and friends now we will know where and how digital marketing is used.
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Types of Digital Marketing
There are two types of main digital marketing
(1) Offline Marketing
(2) Online Marketing
(1) Offline Marketing
The main objective of offline marketing is to reach as many people as possible. In offline marketing, more money has to be spent for advertising the product. But this method has become very old and it takes too much time to spread in the market.
We will not tell much about offline marketing, because digital marketing has more influence in this market right now because the time is going on it is going to become digital in India.
(2) Online Marketing
The main objective of online marketing is to reach as many people as possible. Online marketing does not require much money to advertise the product.
So let’s know in detail about online marketing. But with digital marketing, you can reach people all over the world at a very low cost. Online marketing is known to others like digital marketing and internet marketing.
Digital marketing or online marketing is done in many ways which are below
(1) Blogging
Online is the best and better way to do digital marketing. In this, you have to create a blog in the name of your company, in which you can tell about the services offered by your company and whenever your new products are launched.
You will also go through the details of this and you will go through this much. Can attract all the customers towards you.
(2) Content Marketing
In content marketing, you can write all the information about all the products made by your company as content. You will also have to make sentences to write correctly and attractively, in which the deals and offers of the product will also be mentioned. Users reading in this will like your talk and your business will also grow in popularity and this will increase the sales of products.
(3) Search Engine Optimization
If you want to get a lot of traffic or customers on your blog through search engines, then you must have knowledge of SEO i.e. search engine optimization. If the user needs information, then Google uses it and Google uses SEO to present the information to the user.
your website appears on Google’s search results, more people will know about your blog and your business. That is why you have to make your website according to the guideline of SEO given by Google so that a lot of organic traffic can be found on your website or blog.
(4) Social Media
Social media is an important part of digital marketing. On social media, a businessman can not only promote their products and services, but can also know what the users are talking about their brand. Social media marketing proves to be very beneficial for your business. In social media marketing, you can add your business ad on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Pinterest.
(5) Google Adwords
Whenever you read a blog website, you must have seen a lot of advertisements. Most advertisements are shown by Google. With the help of Google Ad Box, any merchant can market his product. This is a paid service for which you have to pay money to Google.
Google shows these advertisements on well-known websites and blogs so that you can reach your business and products to your target audience. Through Google, you can run many types of advertisements such as tax ads, image tax, gif ads, match content, ads video games, popup ads, sponsored search, and banner ads, etc.
(6) Apps Marketing
Making a lot of company apps on the Internet to reach people and promote their product on it is called apps marketing. This is a very good option for digital marketing because nowadays a large number of people use apps on their smartphones, so anyone can advertise in various types of apps to reach their business to thousands of people, in which the user Your product’s website can be easily accessed by clicking.
(7) YouTube channel
YouTube is the second largest search engine in today’s time, due to which there is a lot of traffic on YouTube. This is a way where you can promote your product through video. You must have seen that whenever you watch a video on YouTube, you see the video of the advertisement in the middle of the video. It is actually the marketing video of a company’s product that people watch and are attracted to. There are a large number of viewers on YouTube, which makes it easy to earn.
(8) Email Marketing
Email marketing allows companies to send product information via email to customers. Along with this, complete deals and offers of the product are also made available in it.
Along with the information of the product, it also has a link that provides easy buying information to the customers. With email marketing, you can reach millions of customers in just one click. This is a very good and easy way for digital marketing.
Through digital marketing, the business can reach more and more people and it also gives a lot of benefits.
Friends, Internet speed has increased a lot in the last few years and in view of this, every year crores of people are coming on the internet and are getting connected to the internet, then seeing this, there are many people who have done digital marketing.
I also started one of my friends. I will tell you what are the advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing. If you are starting digital marketing then you should know this. Let’s know about them.
Advantages and benefits of digital marketing
Advantages of Digital Marketing
1. Friends of the benefits of digital marketing, the first advantage in digital marketing is that you can start digital marketing in less money or you can start it for free without any money. So friends, this is a big advantage
2. After this, the biggest advantage present in the second number is that there is no shortage of people buying your goods here. Yes, of course the market of digital marketing is very big, there are too many people.
There is no dearth of buyers to buy your goods in digital marketing. Customers around the world.
3. Now talking to friends, the third benefit is a second third benefit, that more profit friends at a lower cost.
Less money means that any goods that you have, you can sell online at the maximum price and it is also sold. This is absolutely true.
4. Friends is noise and freedom at number four. Yes, in digital marketing you will get lots of work and you will get freedom to work. You will not like that you have a limit, there is no such limit, you can do any work and many offers are available online.
5. The fifth advantage in business is that your goods are sold 24 hours a day. If you are thinking then you have scattered the stuff. People are buying online.
Wherever you are doing anything, you put something online and sell it for marketing, people will continue to buy their goods and you will keep sleeping comfortably while you are sleeping while you are doing some other work, people will buy goods automatically. This is also a great advantage.
6. Friends, the number six that is born is that sitting at home from your laptop, phone, you can do all this work at one place.
With a laptop, phone and an internet connection, this is not a big advantage for you. Do not go to sell any goods, do not have to do any conversions that you buy my own goods, this is such a big benefit.
7. After this, the biggest advantage is that there is a very big market. The market of digital marketing is very big for those who buy friends and also for those who sell. If the market of digital marketing continues to grow, then this is a huge advantage.
Friends, these are the advantages for you to start digital marketing.
Disadvantages of Digital Marketing
Now I will tell you what are the disadvantages of digital marketing.
1. The first disadvantage is that there is no security, your money will not be returned in someplace, which is websites, new companies are opened that are bitcoins. There is no guarantee that your money will come from there or not.
Amazon gives your money, always good money comes from Amazon. Google Adsense is very good, there will definitely be money coming from there, your money from the employer should not come. These two, whatever I believe, your money will not come everywhere, there is no security.
2. Number two friends, the biggest disadvantage is that whatever things you have created like websites, apps or anything you have created, you have made a product, it gets copied very quickly, you made a video or whatever. It gets copied.
It is very difficult to have any solution in development, there is no solution to it, now friends, your things are copied very easily.
3. What comes at number three is that of competition websites and apps which talk about web development. There is a lot of competition in programming.
Competition is very high where it is related to websites, it is about apps or it is about software or games.
4. Friends, the fourth big disadvantage is that the result comes late; If you start digital marketing too, you have to wait at least five to six months. The result will be that your business will not run, then you know.
5. Friends, the fifth disadvantage is that you cannot communicate with the customer. It is very difficult to take a review of customers, etc.
There are very few customers who give reviews, you need a lot of online knowledge of your things. These are very true to start digital marketing, so I learned a lot from ACU about programming websites. Then I am digital marketing. This is absolutely true.
6. Friends are scams. Companies openly rob you. These very true people open many companies online, that you give 10 thousand rupees to, then you will start getting two thousand rupees every month. Add you people Marketing MLN Friends, many companies who have cheated too much.
Advantages and disadvantages about digital marketing are well told to you.
So friends, what is digital marketing and you have got all the information related to its use. It has always been my endeavour to get complete information on the subject given to you through our post so that you do not have to go anywhere else.
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