Quora Space Monetization and How To Make Money From Quora Space

  • August 8, 2021
  • 5 min read
Quora Space Monetization and How To Make Money From Quora Space

In a new post, In this post, we will know that how to make money from Quora Space announced that Quora will pay space administrators and contributors to develop the Quora Space.

How To Monetize your Quora Spaces Recently, Quora has started the facility to monetize Quora Spaces, that is, the way you earn money by monetizing your quora space. Now you can earn money from Quora Spaces too. Will be able to earn

What is Quora Spaces?

Quora is a question and answer platform and Quora is a place where you can share your knowledge.
You can use quora to create profiles in both English and Hindi languages. Recently Quora has enabled the facility to monetize Quora spaces on English-language profiles, as of now, this feature is not available on Hindi profiles.

How to get money from Spaces?

The way you put a post on your blog or website and in the middle of that post an AdSense or any other ad network’s ad runs and you get money for the same ad, similarly to the answer given by you in Quora Spaces. Above runs Quora Ads and you get the money for the same ad.

The way you create Quora Spaces on your English Quora profile, you create a forum on your Hindi Quora profile, currently, the facility to monetize the platform is not available.

How To Monetize your Quora Spaces?

In order to monetize your Quora Spaces, first, you share your Spaces with as many people as possible so that the number of followers increases, then you start answering the questions asked by your followers.

Do not copy-paste the written answers from anywhere, rather write your own content, your content should be original. When the answer written by you is unique, people will like it, then blank will take that answer in front of thousands or millions of people and ad impression will come more and more and then your earning will also start.

When your Quora Spaces will complete $10 for the first time and everything will be fine after being reviewed by the Quora team, then your Spaces will be monetized and then the more and more unique answers you write, the more you will earn.

Update 1

He has added another update on Quora Space. Now if you have a Quora account, you can create your own Quora space. In some cases, it may take a while for the option to appear because they don’t want to deal with spam. Some people often make space on Quora to spam the forum. Be active on the platform and wait a week or two for the space to make it a feature on Quora.

They also announced that they are going to invite some Quora space owners and if you are a Quora user, you can see ads on some Quora locations. They have not yet released the beta program or any eligibility criteria for Quora’s space managers to display ads on space so that they can make money from it. I will add another update in the next few days.

Update 2

They have released a new update, but they are starting to gain beta space. My location has been included in earnings and now I see it in my earnings report.

This means I have earned $0.66 so far, but there is a review process going on.

Quora Spaces Minimum Payout

When the first $10 is completed on your Quora Spaces, then the Quora team reviews your Spaces, and then after everything is fine ask you to add a Stripe account, and then through the same account money in your bank account is dispatched.

Once you add your Stripe account to Quora Spaces, then the next time your $10 is completed, your money keeps coming to your bank account through Stripe account.

Eligibility Criteria for earning income from your location

  • Your Quora space should have earned $10 to move on to the next process.
  • The next process, “Please wait for eligibility review”, takes three business days to be accepted into the Quora Space Partner Program.
  • At the end of the process, all you need to do is add your bank account via Stripe.

You are monetizing the Quora space

One thing you need to note is that they haven’t started full monetization yet, they will show ads in queried places on Quora when someone clicks on “read more” of a post or answer They will show ads.

Start earning on Quora Spaces

After updating the Quora Spaces setting, after uploading the icon and cover photo, invite your space to as many people as possible so that the number of followers on your space increases, then only those people will ask you questions and you will answer those questions And then your earning will start.

When $10 is completed in your Quora Spaces then the Quora team will review your Spaces and you will get approval to earn if everything is fine.

Final Word

So we have taught here how To Monetize your Quora Spaces. We hope that this post has answered all your questions related to Quora Spaces, if you still have any queries, then definitely write in the comment box below.

1 Comment

  • Informative article. It will help a lot of people in earning a good amount through quora space.

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