7 Steps For Making Blogging a Full-Time Career

  • August 20, 2020
  • 7 min read

If you choose to blog? A blogging Career is a career in which you get complete freedom. Like you don’t have to go to the office, you don’t have a boss. Wherever you want, you can do blogging. To become a blogger, you only need a computer and an internet connection.

Blogging is still poorly understood in India. Many people do not understand that blogging is also a full-time career. In India, 9 to 5 work is given great importance, and if it is a government job, then there is nothing better than this.

But if you consider Blogging as a career, an online job, or business, and want to make your career in it. So it is very important to keep in mind some special things, which I am going to tell in this post.

Step1- Blogging is a Full Time career


Professional Blogging is a full-time career, there is no doubt about it. All the professional bloggers in the world are all full-time bloggers and blogging is their full-time business and job.

The stubbornness and passion of any human being make him a professional.

Step2- How To Choose Blogging Carrier

Blogging Career should choose one who likes to read and write throughout his life.

Who is ready to learn and learn new things according to his interest throughout his life, who should consider himself a student throughout his life.

Because Blogging is such a carer, in which 24 × 7 times of the year has to be given.

Step3- Blogging is not the way to become rich overnight.

People often consider Blogging as a way to become rich overnight. Because they search online and know that some bloggers earn from $ 10000 to $ 500000 every month.

Such people feel that if some quick post is to be published on their blog, traffic will start coming on the blog, then Google will start paying money. It is very easy to speak and hear, but it does not happen. A blogging Career is a carer who has to be very patient.

Most people start blogging by looking at other Professional bloggers. But believe me, within 3 to 6 months of starting Blogging, their Blogging Career also ends forever.

Because within 3 to 6 months they come to know that a Blogging Career is not made for them.

Blogging is such a carer, in which it is very important to have your passion, dedication, patience, and your way of working smart. If you want your Blogging Career to belong, then it is very important for you to be patient.

You should become a person who laughs and accepts his defeat. Do not be too disappointed, and who finds an opportunity for success even in his failures.

Step4- Should you quit your job for blogging?

If you are doing a job and want to become a carer in Blogging, then Blogging should be done Part-Time. Because it is difficult to get money as soon as you start blogging.

If you are earning 25000 every month from your job, and think that 25000 will start coming as soon as you start blogging, then it is wrong to think so. Because it is almost impossible to get a salary as soon as you start blogging.

The reason for this is that it can take 6 months or even a year or 2 years to get money from blogging. Unless you get good traffic on your blog, it is very difficult to earn good money.

So while starting blogging, one should never leave your full-time job. Blogging Career should start part-time.

Read About: How do I make money online from home?

And when 25000 started coming every month from the blog and these incomes kept coming for about 1 year, then only you should leave your full-time job.

If you do not work somewhere and want to start a Blogging Career, then it may take at least 2 to 3 years or even more to get a good income. Because it is not possible to earn 25000 within 6 months.

Blogging a Career is such that one has to be very patient.

Therefore, you should leave your full-time job only when the income consistent with blogging starts coming. You start feeling that your Blogging Career can be changed to Full-Time Career.

Step5- How Secure is a Blogging Career?

Now it comes that if you choose a Blogging Career, how secure is it? Somewhere Blogging will not stop, somewhere people will not stop reading content. Then what will happen to me, my Blogging Career will be over, I will be useless.

There are many questions that keep popping up in the mind of every new blogger.

Blogging started in 1994, it has continued to grow ever since. Khali WordPress has 36 million blogs and around 450 million blogs all over the world.

It has been 25 years of the blogging industry and from its development in these 25 years, you can guess how fast the blogging industry is growing.

According to WordPress, 409 million people view more than 20.7 billion pages every month.

WordPress users post 136.2 million new posts every month and blog readers make 77.7 million new comments every month.

Blogging will never end as long as there is the internet. For the next 25 years, the blogging industry will definitely remain.

The reason for this is that the time to come is because of smartphones, cheap internet connections, computer technology etc.

Through which all internet users will try to search almost every topic from the internet.

There are still many such topics, which lack good content writers. Due to which the end of the blogging industry is difficult.

People watch a lot of videos on Youtube right now, but most of the content of that video is made by searching on the blog. If Blog is closed, 90% of Youtube channels will be shut down.

Now, as the internet and technology will change, the way people use the Internet will also change.

The way of blogging will also change accordingly, but blogging will stop, it does not seem possible.

If seen, Blogging Career is very secure and will remain secure in future. Understand from your job example, if you do not go to work, then salary will stop.

Similarly, if you will not work hard in Blogging, do not write posts, then your Blogging Career will also be finished.

Step6- Why consistency matters in blogging?

When you choose a Blogging Career, your boss is nobody. You are your own boss, so you become lazy. Because you do not have to follow any Discipline. Worked when I wished, or did not work when I wished.

Discipline is very important in blogging. If you do not like Discipline, then Blogging Career should not be chosen. Because to get success in blogging, you have to work for at least 5 to 6 hours a day. And the rest of the time.

It is good to read books related to your topic, improve your skills, go to the gym, do things like meditation.

If you have problems while blogging from your home, then you can take office for this.

Fix the time of going to and from that office. Therefore, there will be no problem while blogging and Discipline will also remain.

Step7- Why should not trust his one income.

Now it comes that if you choose a blogging Career ? One should never trust an income in life. Because today income is coming right, but if tomorrow is closed, where will you go? Therefore, a professional blogger does not consider the income coming from his blog sufficient.

Therefore, he also keeps searching for other means of income, so that income from other places can be made.

These are some ways that will help you to blog easily. Do we know other reasons why we should start blogging now?

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